With more than 200 pages jam-packed full of memory evoking pictures all taken from the Daily Mirror's huge archive When Football Was Football: Crystal Palace whisks us through the ages of one of London's best-loved football clubs. From their ostentatious beginnings out of the Crystal Palace Company based at the glass palace which sat on top of Sydenham Hill to more humble times at Herne Hill running track The Nest and latterly Selhurst Park the book takes supporters on a nostalgia-filled ride as it celebrates more than 100 years of this wonderful south-London institution. When Football Was Football: Crystal Palace is a unique and superbly presented collection of photographs with iconic figures littered throughout its pages. Early legends such as Bill Davies and Henry Colclough share the spotlight with such as Johnny Byrne Steve Kember and Jim Cannon Steve Coppell Nigel Martyn Ian Wright Mark Bright and of course more modern-day heroes including Dougie Freedman. A fantastic collection of photographs one which is sure to rekindle memories of heroes and great moments from the past century.
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