Over half a century after John F. Kennedys assassination he endures as one of the most extraordinary figures of modern times. A hero to millions an inspiration to a generation revered flawed loved yet also loathed he was a man who both defined his age and was brutally destroyed by it. JFK's Camelot: The Unfolding Story as told by The Daily Mirror offers a unique insight into the life story of this endlessly compelling man. Using contemporary newspaper reports and photographs - many never published before - the book provides a gripping and immediate sense of Kennedys story. It charts his exploits as the courageous war hero the rising star of American politics and having reached the highest office in the world JFK: President of the United States of America - before recounting the awful tragedy of his horrific demise. The rumours secrets affairs and conspiracies that surrounded and continue to swirl around this famous charismatic and complex individual are presented with revealing and fresh insights - making for a remarkable illustrated story of a 20th century icon.
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